Main Christmas Party


December 21, 2019 1:00 pm PST


The main Christmas party will be on Saturday, December 21st at 1:00PM PST. Meet on world 328 at Ill Help You’s house. There will be a big drop party and a door prize for attending!





I'm Help. Unlike the rest of these noobs I'm well respected in the community. My star ranked brothers are all autistic or strait up down syndrome kids. Jammy is always too high and gets lost raiding. The Netherland bois eat poop. Mark is short. and the rest of them have HIV.

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Barrows Bonanza

Test your luck at the brothers and see if you can take home the prizes! The main goal is to open as many chests as you possibly can in a timespan of 120 minutes. Team up with 2 other players and have an even bigger chance at prizes! Different rewards are given for various achievements. …

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We are taking it back to where it all began! FIFO will be getting together this weekend to romp about the free-to-play wilderness like an angry and hilarious mob! FTP pking gear is very inexpensive so this is the perfect event for you even if you don’t typically pk!  
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